You see them in the woods, in the cute cartoon movies frolicking around characters, by the roads as you pass by and every now and then on a hunter’s vehicle. Deer are often touted to be harmless woodland creatures that are more afraid of you than you are of them. While this may be true for most cases it doesn’t alleviate them from destroying your flowers or veggie patch.
Deers go where ever there is food for them to eat. Your garden, to a deer, is an open buffet ready to be eaten at a moments notice. So what can you do? Many don’t want to kill the innocent creatures and there are laws in many states regarding how to handle these beautiful creatures too!
Well, there are many humane options to choose from when dealing with your local deer herds. One is the Ultrasonic deer repeller.
UPDATE: Pest Destruct is offering a special 50% DISCOUNT
Discount link: Deer Repeller Special Offer – ONLY $79.97
Protecting Yourself, Your Family, and Your Garden From Bambi and Friends
Deer, being the herd animals that they are, can and will trample you. If you are unfortunate enough to scare a whole herd of them, you will get seriously injured. A deer can also cause injuries to dogs since deer often see them as threats. This can cause poor Fido to get kicked around and will require an emergency vet visit.
To protect your garden place some barricades and a few strategically place ultrasonic deer repellers around the yard.
The Deer Tick Woes
You wouldn’t think of those sweet little deer running around the woods to be spreaders of disease, but sadly they can spread rabies, tuberculosis, plague, and more. Deers often carry more than just their fair share of diseases too. They also share disease-carrying ticks, lice, keds, and fleas.
With how many debilitating diseases that can be transmitted by ticks alone, it is an understatement to not be at least a little concerned. Many ailments caused by tick bites don’t show up until well after being bitten by the said tick.
Another issue is tick bites can infect you with multiple diseases at the same time. For instance, it is not unheard of for at least 20% of babesiosis cases to also have Lyme disease! Depending on where you live, you can also be exposed to deadly diseases such as Crimean Congo hemorrhagic fever.
Deer Hunting Season
Now some of you may think you can just handle your deer problem with a standard hunting rifle and a few bullets. However, there are many animal conservation laws and regulations that surround deer hunting activities. In fact, killing any animal outside of their designated hunting season will result in massive fines and possible jail time!
So before you point your trusty rifle make sure you know the laws and regulations for your local area and state regarding deer, elk, moose, and other large woodland creatures. Accidents can happen but the law takes animal conservation seriously.
Also if you do choose to hunt the deer in your yard make sure you take proper safety precautions when handling dead deer. Many diseases can still pass to both humans and other animals even when the deer is dead.
When Deers Go Into Rut You Stay In Your Hut?
Despite their skittish nature and overall gentle dispositions, deer can be very dangerous during rut season. Rut season (October through early January) is when male deer come of age, grow out their signature horns, and duke it out amongst themselves to mate for the lucky nearby doe (female deer). This is so a fawn (baby deer, often with signature spotted pelts) may be produced (April through June).
Since the stag (male deer) are in a fighting mood, they may accidentally choose you as their next sparring partner. No one wants a buck’s ten-point horn in the gut! So it is safe to say you should exercise extreme caution when around any deer during this time of year.
How to Look For Any Uninvited Deer Guests?
There are a few ways you can tell if a deer has been present around your yard or garden. Besides seeing chewed up plants, veggies, and other foliage, you will also see a lot of deer droppings. Snapped sticks and deer footprints are also signs of a deer presence in your yard.
Deers tend to graze around dusk and dawn so but you may have a rare occurrence of seeing them during daytime if your area is quiet or heavily wooded.
How Can The Deer Repeller Save Your Garden?
As mentioned previously, deer are very skittish creatures so any loud noise will immediately scare them away. This means you don’t have to spend a whole lot of money on poisons and other toxic solutions. Our Deer Repeller will continue to scare deer perpetually. It features a loud speaker that emits 5 different sounds that scare deer away. Aside from that, it contains a flashing light that makes deer retreat.
You can also put up simple barricades around your yard and garden as well to prevent deer from entering your yard altogether.
In the garden, deer love anything green especially when they are hungry. So to put off the deer plant some marigolds, zinnias, ice plants, and borage if you can. Many varieties of bush and tree can also be planted such as gooseberries, currants, hawthorn, bamboo, and so on.
How Much It Costs?
The outdoor ultrasonic deer repeller typically sells for about $159.99. But if you order now with our 50% discount, this great deer repeller can save your garden for only $79.97. Which is a reasonable when you think about the fact that you won’t have to harm any deer in your area.
This product can bring you, your family, and your home extra protection from your local woodland friends!
The Benefits of Using a Deer Repeller In Your Yard
There are many other great benefits that come with using an outdoor ultrasonic deer repeller in your yard!
The benefits you get with this ultrasonic deer repeller:
- You can ward off other garden thieves, trash can scavengers, and yard invaders. The deer repeller is great for warding off raccoons, snakes, foxes, rats, mice, bugs, hares, skunks, squirrels, stray dogs and cats, moles, and more.
- The deer repeller is all natural and chemical free! You won’t have to worry about exposing your family to toxic poisons and other types of pest repellents.
- This repeller is safe to use around people so you won’t have to worry about anyone getting accidentally hurt.
- It is environmentally friendly for both you, your garden, the local fauna and the earth.
- The ultrasonic deer repeller is easy to assemble, comprised of high-quality parts, and you can easily to use in your yard by placing it anywhere you need it.
- A no-kill deer method that can solve all of your deer problems in a matter of 48 hours for good!
- You save money and you won’t have to call animal control!
- The deer repeller is shipped to your door fast so you can use it immediately.
Don’t let your hard work in the garden go to waste or lose your prized heirloom roses! Get your ultrasonic deer repeller today so you can solve your stag problem tomorrow with this inexpensive no-kill deer repellent solution!
Get Rid of Deer In 48 Hours!
Pest Destruct is a great company that offers mind-blowing guarantee… If you buy this Deer Repeller and still have deer in your backyard 48 hours after applying it, you’ll get your money back and keep the device! Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed! Buy the SOLAR Deer Repeller today!